Monday, December 27, 2004

I'd thought I'd updated more recently than in actuality. Just another failure to apologize for!

The main event I wanted to record here is an operation of sorts I underwent two weeks ago. OK, no one needs to read it--& maybe no one will anyway. It's easiest to quote my journal.

I had something else to deal with, a condition I’d noticed apparently at least since the World Series, when I may have begun to suspect a jaw-clenching problem...
By the middle of November indications suggested a localized gum inflammation, if not something worse. Unsure whether this required dental attention, I methodically flossed & found it gradually improving. Then, on Finnish Independence Day, I lost a piece of filling. (This seemed to fit with a theme of recent days, that of stupidly breaking things by accident.) Phoning the good old dental office, I learned my guy was on vacation, but an associate would see me in what proved to be two days: first time I’d been to a female dentist. She took one look & told me the tooth in question wouldn’t support the filling because this molar had split down the middle--yikes! Expressing understandable surprise that it hadn’t afflicted me worse, she declared #14 beyond saving, & a matter for an oral surgeon. She did prescribe an antibiotic, though.
As my records there showed, I’d complained as early as last year about unexplained sensitivity (to cold at least) on that side...

I’d been able to get in with an oral surgeon the next week on a colder but sunny Monday... The doctor performing this extraction evidently was junior enough that his name didn’t appear on the establishment’s stationery. Not wanting a repeat of what happened last time, I’d ruled out general anesthesia but asked for gas, & it had some effect. Gathered that if the molar wasn’t dead, it was as good as. He suggested that draining through the gumboil might have relieved symptoms. That the tooth wasn’t of the “wisdom” variety presumably rendered the operation simpler & short, but I won’t deny its abhorrent nature. Was surprised no stitches were required.

Next day I confirmed that I didn’t need the prescribed analgesic....
Meanwhile, in unrelated news, most of us pipers are off for the time being.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Back at Wal-Mart I noticed Satan Klaus immobile & silent, though someone was trying to push a button on his base. On the way out I realized a there was a tall Nutcracker figure standing next to him, holding a poleax or halberd. I suggested he might find a use for it.

Actually the holiday lights showing up these days seem more reasonable, now that there's snow on the ground.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Marched in my first cold-weather parade--droning in the snow. Yes, it was chilly without an overcoat, while we waited for the action to get underway, but piping is warm enough work that it didn't last. Noted sweat streaming down our pipe major's face. Unfortunately we only mustered two pipers, in total, who could or would play fully functioning instruments. Just trying to keep two drones going while faking the tune seemed enough distraction to interfere with my staying in step. To tell the truth, I never intended to play in the band.

Meanwhile the go-to guy for parts has been unavailable, so I'm still fumbling with the original unwieldy bag.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

This is a bit late, as the event described happened a week ago. I just wanted to note my disgust at retailers' trying to force the holidays on us way too early. Now, last month (I believe) my mother complained about finding the season's sights & sounds in some store; I wasn't sure what to think. (Years ago my brother & I came upon a small area in a suburban Target given over to an Xmas display--in October.) But this month we were shopping at the local Wal-Mart. On the way out we were forced to pass a gyrating mechanical Satan Klaus belting out out "Winter Wonderland"--as if it had even snowed here yet. Revolting!

Even NBC's Conan O'Brian objected to the decor already in place last week at Rockefeller Center. Good man!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Piping has gotten a bit bumpy these days. First, I'd taken off & set aside the chanter, then managed to knock it onto the floor with the bass drone while setting my pipes down--after which the damaged chanter reed wouldn't play! Missed a session before our PM got to look at it. Immediately discarding the reed, he took some time selecting a replacement. But now he discovered that the blackwood chanter itself was warped! Maybe I left it in the sun too long. He quickly found a plastic "band" version to substitute for it. Then he declared that I ought to look into acquiring a smaller bag. We knew this one was big, but I hadn't realized how much of a hindrance it was. Our PM himself--who, in his own considered opinion, is probably the best piper within 100 miles or so--said he wouldn't be able to play this instrument for more than ten minutes because of the awkward angle it forces the arm into--unless you're tall & thin with long arms, which none of us guys is. He had me try out his pipes--OK, I'm convinced!

On the other hand, memorizing repertory has gone better than I'd realized.

Monday, September 20, 2004

After nearly a month of not blogging in, I have a second parade under my brass-buckled kilt belt, & this time it was a home-town affair. Not too spectacular on our part; again we were short on personnel. Did the same droning & faking as before & didn't impress myself. The parade ended in front of my town's old high school, which has stood vacant for a few years. The drum sergeant's wife reported liking its facade.The structure's still not out of danger of demolition but may yet see conversion to other use. Its newer companion building, not so sentimentally regarded, was flattened this year except for its gymnasium.

The band gathered again at the popular park next to the State U campus, where it seems extraneous events were synchronized with the afternoon's football game. The big attraction: free food & beer. We gave a little concert when the U band took a break.

Monday, August 23, 2004

A landmark: I joined the band in a parade for the first time--not to carry a flag, as it turned out, but to "fill a gap" by droning along while pretending to play! We were short on pipers, including our distinguished Major himself; my instructor the Pipe Sgt. had to run this show. The event was an annual celebration of local history at a town a good distance down the road from here. My brother's wife happens to hail from the area. A quote from my journal:

I marched imperfectly on the outside, behind our current commander--whose later words implied he hadn’t actually led a band before!--& ahead of the bass drum, which ran into me once. Naturally I was somewhat nervous about being gawked at...We got rained on, which bothered me less...What perhaps bothered me most was my failure to get the breathing right.

My brother afterwards confirmed that his whole family had been there as witnesses, on "my" side of the street, in fact, though I never saw them.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

OK, the most troublesome portion of that bleedin' debt has been temporarily taken care of. Knock down my credit limit, & then raise my rate? We found a way to (ostensibly) screw the bank that pulled these tricks--not my idea, & quite legitimate.

I failed to put in proper piping practice (hey, there's a load of ps) last week & so didn't attend our regular meeting but am trying to make up for this somewhat. As I see it now, my goal is to find the right balance between blowing too hard & not squeezing hard enough!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Piping progresses again, at least in theory. These days I'm learning to play a few tunes with the drones removed & the stocks stoppered.

Meanwhile another area of life seems to have taken one of those proverbial turn for the worse. I, Mr. Frugal, have in the past few years accumulated an unexpectedly large debt--thinking an upcoming business move would soon yield the cash to pay it all off. Wrong! Now I can see that this was an incredible screwup--something shameful, I confess. It would be different if someone else had done this, but for me it's an embarrassing failure, & damned depressing. Now not only my plans for the end of this month are gone, but there's no telling how long I'll be living under this cloud. It sucks, big-time.

This is deficit spending--and, unlike Congress, I can't tax other people to pay for it.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Astronomical news: Last month I found an online article about a camera setup called the Simultaneous Differential Imager which is to be used in an attempt to photograph giant exoplanets orbiting other stars. One of these SDIs has been installed in Chile, while its northern counterpart, interestingly enough, is to go on the MMT telescope on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona.

Meanwhile, more currently, the Big Binoc 'scope of Mt Graham has been threatened by a fire but may be out of danger now.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Piping progress has now been halted. The pipe sergeant decided that my blowstick is too long for me, so he's taken it off for replacement.

Meanwhile I'm pleased to report my satisfaction with the Cassini probe, which successfully went into orbit around Saturn after nearly seven years in space. A quote: As far as I’m concerned, this is the greatest chapter in space exploration since Voyager.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Almost amazingly, I have to report, the second day I tried playing the complete great Highland pipe it actually seemed a little easier! Tune fragments maybe came more coherently, but I can't claim to be comfortable with the effort, & the tenor drones cut out anyway. Took it outside this time while my brother made his own racket in the backyard with a noisy power tool. Evidently my chanter was loud enough (with the door closed) in the house that my aunt, talking to my mother there over the phone, could hear it through the receiver. For some reason she ostensibly thought it was good!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

I was warned--oh, yes, I was warned: piping gets hard when you start playing the real instrument with the chanter attached. Well, it does! So far my attempts to play tunes have come across as rather pathetic, while muscles in my fat belly start hurting with the effort of trying to keep enough pressure in the bag, as at least one drone cuts out (which I'm told isn't important at this stage). Yikes. And people march while they're doing all this?

Sunday, June 13, 2004

The Charaxian Piping Chronicle now gets a drastically needed update. I now have the bagpipe we'd recently expected to buy. Our band's pipe sergeant bought it from an acquaintance, the pipe major of a Winnipeg band, for US$1000 (which my mother had made in a royal flush on a poker machine & offered for this purchase). Word is it appears to be a Henderson, made in the heroic year of 1943 or '44 & worth twice what we paid for it! Materials are traditional, except for the yellowed faux ivory, & I'm told the bag is rather large. Our PS & others--like his dad, a distinguished piper from the Auld Country--agreed the drones were "sweet."

The reeds are hardly original, & they presumably make playing easier. So far I've been instructed in sounding the instrument without its chanter. The PS says I'm the only student he knows of--after himself--who's started on all three drones! There does seem to be something natural about playing the thing. Now, besides chanter practice, I'm supposed to just blow the drones every day, & the former endeavor is coming along: By now I've more or less memorized a set of 4/4 marches.

Monday, May 24, 2004

This "piping progress report" actually involves a lack of progress. Earlier this month I routinely washed my practice chanter, including the reed--which I've since been told was a mistake--after which it just sounded hideous. Despite acquiring replacements, I couldn't seem to get it playing properly. Since then there's been one regular band meeting & a special teaching session. Now my instrument's almost working normally. Meanwhile I'm anticipating a full set of pipes in the near future: A rather intimidating prospect, I'll admit, though one I've obviously been working toward.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Piping progresses. It's a gradual process, but I sometimes surprise myself with the results: Practice is producing its desired effects--& I'm not even putting in nearly the recommended amount! At this point I've roughly memorized a few marches and am playing pages of more tunes, which definitely makes the effort more enjoyable.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

An update: months after being hauled to its Mt. Graham observatory, the first Large Binocular Telescope mirror has finally been installed--more or less.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Some time ago I found an online photo showing me--at the haggis fest a few months ago. The quality's so poor I'm not really identifiable, & neither is my tartan. It's not even obvious I'm brandishing a sword. Maybe the anonymity's just as well.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

As my mother & I were driving through the countryside a few days ago, en route to one of our favorite area casinos, we saw a bald eagle take off near the roadside. It's hardly uncommon to glimpse these birds along our rural highways, but this seemed an interestingly close look.

The gambling, by the way, wasn't bad.

Might as well mention that, on this last day of March, I noticed one or two robins in the backyard. Come next morning's twilight, I could hear the species up to their old spring twittering.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Made a brief astronomical observation during a nighttime power outage that affected most of our town & darkened our clear skies beyond the usual clarity. Glimpsing an unfamiliar fuzzy patch, I realized I must have seen the Coma Berenices cluster for the first time as the ancients knew it.

Well, this is an interesting time astronomically in more publicized ways, what with Mars rovers, a newly-discovered planet-like object in a strange orbit way out there, & a previously-unknown little asteroid making the closest terrestrial approach on record!

Friday, February 27, 2004

First I must apologize for taking so long. This entry is meant to describe events which took place a month ago now. [Plus a few more weeks by the time I finished this entry!]

It seems I failed to record in advance the band's plan to put on a traditional Scottish Burns Night as a fundraiser. The concept's a standard in some places, but to our knowledge it had never been done in this town. Well, we did it, packing the local Elks' Club with a sell-out crowd: success. As a brother of mine pointed out, there's nothing going on here in late January to compete with it. (Yes, the Cornells showed up; I knew they wouldn't be afraid of haggis.)

The occasion, of course, officially commemorates Robert Burns, known as Scotland's national poet. The more literate may recall perhaps his two most famous lines, which I might quote if this project wasn't so far behind: One literally about a mouse, the other a louse (with lessons drawn for us humans). Besides dinner, our production included a dancing outfit I didn't know much about, plus pipes & drums from out of town to bolster our little band. We imported a few other guys to help out, including the MC, who it seems in fact was born in Glasgow. (He surprisingly asked if I was wearing the Black Stewart tartan; I don't think my Old Sutherland looks much like it.)

I'd previously offered the use of a basket-hilted sword from my disorganized collection of archaic weapons & exotic blades, having learned one was needed for the requisite ceremony. Well, just this day I found out that the gal who was going to carry it wouldn't, since the old member who was going to lend her his kilt reneged for some reason--so our management asked Yours Truly to "guard" the haggis being paraded in. (Some of us agreed this wouldn't be hard--who'd try stealing this stuff?) My name had already been printed in the program for this segment, anyway. Thus, when our pipe major came out playing, our pipe sergeant following with a haggis tray, I marched behind them holding my sword, which wasn't sharp anyhow. We stood at the head table while the MC recited Burns' famous address to Scotland's national food. Didn't realize this performance meant I'd be slugging down a shot of whisky. (I like booze in general but am not a Scotch drinker & don't take most liquor straight; it wasn't as big a deal as all that, except that I wasn't careful to drain the glass at once--& then there was the acquaintance "cheering" me on from my family's table.)

Stayed into the evening but had to leave early, evidently missing the fancier piping heard there afterwards. My main point, however, is this: Haggis ain't half bad.

Friday, January 09, 2004

A new year, & now the first piping session in nearly a month. The band's sergeant, who's responsible for my current instruction, didn't show, though I heard he'd been out fundraising. The other student near my supposed level claimed my grace notes were better than hers--but then I noted one of the current first-year students apparently playing along with more experienced members to music I hadn't even looked at yet! The pipe major now presented me with the band's entire repertory.